Transformational Sessions
​There's a fine line between going for what you want and receving what life brings you.

What is life about? What is it about for you?
Many times inner conflicts or our life 'issues' keep us from living a life we would like to live.
The personality is anchored in old feelings that influence our thoughts and actions - even if we are not aware of it. When we gradually dissolve such patterns of our personality, inner changes happen:
We will be more present, mindful, and confident.
Our perspective on familiar situations expands.
We develop more clarity about what we want and can do.
We remain more calm and constructive in challenges.
We are able to use our abilities more consciously.

As a result, we can also solve external problem situations more easily, form relationships more lovingly and recognize and implement our own goals more clearly.
The Approach
The key to this lies in the conscious perception of our sensations. When we really feel and accept them, they stop unconsciously dominating our thoughts and actions and shaping our everyday life. In my workshops and coaching sessions, I open the space for participants to feel and accept the feelings behind their thoughts more. This creates a new connection between head, gut, and heart and thus new inner clarity. Little by little, the power that was bound in these feelings is released - and more inner strength and freedom develop.

Horsebackriding for Personal Development
As a special framework for inner growth impulses, it is a good idea to combine personal coaching with our adventure trips, which my team and I offer.
These take place in different countries with extensive nature (Bulgaria, Romania, Mongolia).
On the one hand, the participants recover and recharge their batteries. On the other hand, we use this opportunity far away from the usual everyday tasks for inner work: In a supportive group setting with like-minded people and in powerful workshops - mostly in the open air - it becomes apparent which patterns in feeling and thinking are still clinging to us and which questions and problems are really moving us at the moment. Transformative, liberating experiences, deep connection to oneself and a moving communal experience emerge.
Again and again we experience that the participants return home strengthened and with new clarity - and often with new friends as well.
Getting to Know each other
It is important that you get a good feeling about me and my work and also that I can see the best way how to support you. That is why the first conversation is always free of charge and without any obligation.